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Community Corner

Park Dentistry Presents: Halloween Candy Buy-Back

Dear Moms and Dads,

Halloween is coming, and normally it’s hard for your dentist to get excited about that day because of all the candy your kids will eat. However, this year will be different. Don’t you just wish that on the day after Halloween that your kids’ sacks full of candy would just disappear? Well we can help, and this is something we are very excited about!  This year we’ll buy the candy back from your kids. We’re not kidding! Sure, they can have a few treats on Halloween night and maybe even keep a couple more for later in the week. But we’ll take the rest of it and pay them for it! The candy will be shipped overseas to our courageous troops (who could sure use a treat or two!) serving our country in the Middle East . In return, we’ll give your kids $1 per pound of donated candy( up to 3 pounds)  and a goodie bag.   

Global sugar consumption for kids increases by about 2% annually and currently sits at 50 million tons per year, which means parents need to be very watchful now more than ever before. Too much candy can lead to hyperactivity and weight gain, as well as cavities or worse. In some cases, the wrong types of candy can also lead to broken teeth and damaged braces.   

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Kids should still dress up, go out, have fun, and yes, even eat some candy. But after picking out the best of their stash, they will probably have about 10 pounds left, and nobody needs that much candy!   

Bring your kids and your candy in on Tuesday, November 1st between 4:00 and 6:00 p.m., and spread the word! All participants will be entered into a raffle to win a Sonic Care electric toothbrush.   

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Dr. Sophia Milito and staff  

Park Dentistry    



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